Avoid cashing in a policy early as you could lose out heavily 不要提早兑现保单,那样你可能会损失惨重。
We both lost out 我们俩都输了。
Laura lost out to Tom 劳拉输给了汤姆。
Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility 在这一新的薪资弹性化政策中吃亏的是女性。
Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal. 埃及在苏伊士运河上的收益上受了损。
Initially, the country managers resisted, fearing some of their local financial clients might lose out. 最初,中国和印度的管理人员对此有抵制,他们担心此举可能会导致当地的金融行业客户流失。
If not, you're going to lose out to the TV shows, movies, games, and Web applications that make their functions clear and obvious. 如果没有,那么您将在与具有清晰且突出的功能的电视剧、电影、游戏和Web应用程序的竞争中失败。
He or she will become your crutch and you will lose out on meeting other people and potential friends. 他或她可能会成为你的感情支柱,于是你便失去了结识他人和潜在朋友的机会。
Did they take advantage of their first three months in college, or did they lose out by spending too much time on Skype? 他们是否充分利用了大学的前三个月呢?或者他们是否因为花费太多时间在网络电话上而过于松懈了呢?
So you are not going to see people giving yachts away I've never lost$ 2bn overnight, but if you do lose out, I'm sure it gives you a cold sweat. 所以你不会看到人们放弃游艇我从没有在一夜之间损失20亿美元,但你若真的赔了,我确信这会让你一身冷汗。
You can't assume, just because you have experienced a loss at some time in the past, that you are automatically destined to lose out in the future. 仅仅因为你曾经在过去某个时间经历过这样的损失,所以你总是认为将来总会失败。
No matter how long you leave your money undisturbed you're bound to lose out eventually. 不论你多长时间不动用你的钱,你最后肯定要输掉的。
They at least did not lose out in the struggle to keep up with inflation. 他们在促使工资跟上通货膨胀的努力方面至少没有白费劲。
Without the shield of single-market rules, London could lose out to rival EU centres. 失去统一市场庇护的伦敦可能会在欧盟金融中心的竞争中败下阵来。
Individual companies would lose out; but overall, the global economy would benefit. 个别公司可能会因此出局,但整体而言,全球经济将会受益。
Having learnt a lesson, China's leaders do not want to lose out on the information revolution. 中国领导人得到了教训,不想在信息革命中再次失败。
Keep improving one's superior position in the chosen discipline so as not to lose out to a competitor. 在某一已选择的准则上持续改进,以免落后于竞争者。
A single chink in our armour at the negotiating table means we could lose out badly. 谈判中我们的任何一点薄弱环节都意味着我们可能会惨败。
Why should anyone else lose out. 为什么没有其他人出去。
Will the Americans lose out to the Japanese in computers? 在计算机行业上,美国人会输给日本人吗?
If a customer falls for a fake, they obviously lose out. 如果消费者买到假货,显然受损的是他们。
If things go wrong I'm the one who'll lose out, not you. 事情若有差错,受损的是我,不是你。
China does not qualify, so it will lose out. 中国不符合该要求,所以将要出局。
Mentally and emotionally you are likely to lose out if you let your heart rule your head. 让感情左右了头脑会从精神上和感情上发现很失败。
Governments also lose out on budget revenue that could help fund infrastructure improvements and other public goods and services. 各国政府也因此遭受预算收入损失,而预算收入可以帮助资助基础设施改造和其它公共品和服务。
We will lose out badly later on. 我们以后可能栽大跟头。
Global trade makes countries as a whole richer, even if some people in those countries lose out. 即便这些国家中有些人遭遇损失,但整体来看全球贸易让所有国家变得更为富有。
I'm afraid that he may lose out to larger firms. 恐怕他会输给大公司。
Generally, Singaporeans are kiasu& they fear to lose out. 新加坡人普遍存在着怕输心理。
New Delhi has to manage its relationships with Beijing and Washington wisely so it does not lose out. 新德里必须明智地处理其与中美两国之间的关系,以免陷于不利。